The following articles and videos are a good place to start.
Moment of Intertia
- What is a tensor
- Inertia Tensor
- The Inertia Tensor for a Cube
- Why is inertia tensor called a tensor as opposed to matrix
- Relation between torque and moment of inertia
- Jacobian prerequisite knowledge
- Local linearity for a multivariable function
- The Jacobian matrix
- Computing a Jacobian matrix
- The Jacobian Determinant
- Gradient
- Gradient and graphs
- Directional derivative
- Directional derivatives and slope
- Why the gradient is the direction of steepest ascent
- Gradient descent, how neural networks learn | Chapter 2
Constraint Optimization
- Constrained optimization introduction
- Lagrange multipliers, using tangency to solve constrained optimization
- Finishing the intro lagrange multiplier example
- Lagrange multiplier example, part 1
- Lagrange multiplier example, part 2
- The Lagrangian
- Meaning of Lagrange multiplier
- Proof for the meaning of Lagrange multipliers
Constraint Solver
- Physics for Game Programmers: Understanding Constraints
- Game Physics: Resolution - Constraints & Sequential Impulse
- Equality Constraints
- Position Correction
- Soft constraint derivation